Monday, December 30, 2019

Protein Synthesis And The Proteins - 1576 Words

Protein synthesis starts when the mRNA binds to a small ribosomal subunit and the first codon (AUG) is positioned correctly for the initiation of protein synthesis. The AUG codon then base-pairs with the anticodon of tRNA carrying methionine. This methionine eventually becomes the first Amino Acid in the polypeptide chain. Now a large ribosomal subunit binds to the complex and the reaction of protein synthesis itself can begin. (Fig. 3) A ribosome has two sites where tRNA can bind. As a result, of the events outlined above, the initiation codon, AUG, on the mRNA molecule is positioned at the first of these sites on the ribosome, the peptidyl (P) site. The mRNA codon for the second Amino Acid is lined up with the second site, the aminoacyl (A) site. From this point, the polypeptide chain elongates by a cycle of three steps: The first step is the binding of the next tRNA to an anticodon complementary to the next mRNA codon. The amino Acid carried by this trNA will be the next amino acid in the polypeptide chain. The second step is the peptidyl transferase reaction, which results in the peptide bond formation. The peptidyl transferase enzyme, which catalyses the reaction, is an integral part of the large ribosomal unit. This enzyme attaches the first Amino Acid to the second one by a peptide bond, so that the first tRNA is now empty and the second is holding both amino acids. The third step in the cycle moves the ribosome along mRNA. This brings the next codon to theShow MoreRelatedProtein Synthesis and Transcription657 Words   |  3 PagesBeadle and Tatum’s experiment and their â€Å"one gene one enzyme† hypothesis showed that the production of one protein is dependent on one gene. Francis Crick originated the idea of the central dogma. It states that biological information can only flow in one direction: from DNA to RNA to a protein. The three key types of RNA that are involved in protein synthesis are mRNA (messenger RNA), rRNA (ribosomal RNA) and tRNA (transfer RNA). The way I learned to remember the functions of these three is theRead More Protein Synthesis Essay772 Words   |  4 PagesProtein Synthesis Protein synthesis is one of the most fundamental biological processes. To start off, a protein is made in a ribosome. There are many cellular mechanisms involved with protein synthesis. Before the process of protein synthesis can be described, a person must know what proteins are made out of. There are four basic levels of protein organization. The first is primary structure, followed by secondary structure, then tertiary structure, and the last level is quaternary structureRead More Protein Synthesis Essay679 Words   |  3 Pages Protein Synthesis Protein Synthesis is the process whereby DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) codes for the production of essential proteins, such as enzymes and hormones. Proteins are long chains of molecules called amino acids. Different proteins are made by using different sequences and varying numbers of amino acids. The smallest protein consists of fifty amino acids and the largest is about three thousand amino acids long. Protein synthesis occurs on ribosomes in theRead MoreProtein Synthesis Essay847 Words   |  4 PagesC Jewett BACKGROUND: Proteins are crucial biomolecules for functional and structural roles in all living organisms. Generally composed of 20 natural amino acids, they can organize into several combinations to generate functional and structural diversity. However, this diversity could be further expanded through the incorporation of non-standard amino acids (nsAAs) into proteins featuring novel functional sidegroups. Investigating these efforts to exploit the protein synthesis machinery forms the basisRead MoreDna And Protein Synthesis Essay1332 Words   |  6 PagesDNA and Protein Synthesis One of the most fundamental properties of any and all living organisms is that of reproduction. As we all have learned, organisms inherit their genetic information defining their structure and functions from their parents. Similarly, all cells come from preexisting cells, so the genetic information is duplicated and pass from the parent to the new cell of each division. DNA is the term that is used in biology, as well as several other parts of your everyday life. We allRead MoreThe Functions Of Dna And Protein Synthesis974 Words   |  4 PagesThe Functions of: DNA, RNA and Protein Synthesis DNA replication: Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is a chain of molecules that hold the genetic code for all living things. â€Å"This genetic code is the instructions for growth, hair color, eye color, shapes of the body’s structures, and every little detail that is inside of a living organism† (Bhatt). A complete set of genetic instructions is a genome and every cell has two copies of genomes, one from each parent, making a full chromosome. DNA is composedRead MoreProtein Synthesis : Transcription And Translation1773 Words   |  8 PagesProtein synthesis is defined as â€Å"The creation of proteins by cells that uses DNA, RNA, and various enzymes.† The synthesis of proteins takes two steps: transcription and translation. Transcription takes the information that is coded in DNA and codes it into mRNA, which heads out of the cell’s nucleus and into the cytoplasm. During translation, the mRNA works with a ribosome and tRNA to synthesize proteins. When trying to understand the process of protein synthesis, basic terms are necessary. DNARead MoreThe Effect Of New Protein Synthesis At Prl Cortex900 Words   |  4 Pages0.05) (Figure 2B). These results suggested that new protein synthesis at PrL cortex is critical for the encoding of contextual fear memories. To further understand new protein synthesis at PFC, we asked whether other subregions of PFC are also critical for encoding of contextual fear memories. To address this question, we studied the role of cingulate cortex 1 (CG1) region of PFC in encoding. We injected anisomycin to inhibit protein synthesis at CG1. Four separate groups of animals received anisomycinRead MoreFunction, Structure, Synthesis And The Use Of The Protein Elastin ( Eln )2815 Words   |  12 PagesThe purpose of this paper is to discuss the function, structure, synthesis and the use of the protein elastin (ELN), which encodes for one of the two elements of elastic fibers in the human body (NCBI 1). Addressing the fundamental aspects of the protein will allow us to explore the potential applications and implications of the protein if it has been modified. Introduction and Function Elastin is the one of the key components in the elastic property of tissues found in human tissues such asRead MoreCh. 12 13 Dna Protein Synthesis Project. By Anthony1236 Words   |  5 PagesCh. 12 13 DNA Protein Synthesis Project By Anthony Li, Connor Farrell, John Koutsonikolis, and Tristan Funicelli (Tristan) # Describe the contributions of each of the following to the discovery of the structure of DNA - 1) Watson and Crick: Used Rosalind Franklin’s x-rays of DNA to conclude that DNA took the shape of a double helix. 2) Frederick Miescher: Used pus from infections to isolate nuclein. He found that nuclein had a unique ratio of phosphorous to nitrogen. 3) Oswald Avery: Tested

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Devil And Miss Prym Character Analysis - 832 Words

Comparison of the Devil and Miss Prym and District 9 The Devil and Miss Prym, by Paulo Coelho, and the science-fiction film District 9, produced by Sony Picture Entertainment, both show many similarities when being compared to one another. In each of these, there are multiple similarities with the characters, as well as contrasts, including the society and philosophies. Person versus fate and person versus society are just a couple of examples of conflict that happened in The Devil and Miss Prym and District 9. The Devil and Miss Prym demonstrates person versus fate. As the stranger, Carlos, comes to visit the small village of Viscos, the main character Chantal, unexpectedly crosses paths with him, and that is where it all begins. Later†¦show more content†¦Similar to District 9, where the aliens had appeared unexpectedly and completely changed the lives of the citizens who had lived there. Each family having their own opinions about what to do about the district and keeping their loved ones sheltered and how to keep their families safe, yet everyone having to find a new lifestyle with their city now demolished (Sony). Both the movie and the book show similarities to collective unconscious (Detrick â€Å"Literature†). Stoicism is shown a plethora of times throughout both the movie District 9 and the book The Devil and Miss Prym. Stoicism shows that no matter what the circumstance, happiness and success will always come out of it. Good or bad, all that matters is the response to what is happening in life, and how one controls it (Detrick â€Å"Philosophy†). In the book, Chantal Prym is trying to keep her dignity because she knows once she says something about the stranger she will be ashamed and the villagers will not have respect for her, she could lose her job. Chantal needs to find a way to get her point across without getting herself into a hole, yet saying what she needs to in order to not let the stranger down. â€Å"Tomorrow,† the stranger said. â€Å"But you seem to believe that tomorrow will come and keep putting off what I asked you don’t say something, I’ll have to do it myself† (Coelho 61). While maintaining self-control, Chantal needs to

Friday, December 13, 2019

Inspiration Disability and Final Lap Free Essays

Disability and Final Lap BY cancans Inspiration: Life Is Like photography. You need the negatives to develop. Do you always think of what people say about you? Does It affect your dally basis and break down your motivation and inspiration? Always try to avoid negative people, they feed on your reaction and if they see you being affected by what they say or do, they’ll keep doing it. We will write a custom essay sample on Inspiration: Disability and Final Lap or any similar topic only for you Order Now If paralysis had their minds posted to the bad comments people give, they would’ve never reached success. The reason why I chose the Paralytics instead of the Olympics as inspiration, is the fact that paralysis are disabled and they need o work so much harder to gain a certain goal. Their disability can easily break their will to keep on working towards these goals as well as their mindset and motivation. Being disabled keeps you humble because you know what it feels like to have nothing, to lose something very important like their legs etc. Or to work twice as hard as people with no disability. It’s like a little voice that whispers to them â€Å"maybe† when it seems like the whole world is shouting â€Å"no†. Paralysis never know how strong they are, until being strong is the only choice they have. That is why they are an inspiration to so many people. They teach you that discipline Is the distance between reality and your dreams and you need to appreciate the little things In life because one day you’re going to look back and realize that it was the big things. People tend to be more inspired by disabled people because even though they have lost something they still work hard to gain something to replace what they’ve lost. They know, when you truly want success, you’ll never give up on it. No matter how bad the situation may get. Of course what they do are challenging but challenges are what make life Interesting and overcoming them Is what makes life meaningful. They would also tell you that they never underestimate their strength and never overestimate their weaknesses and that’s why most of them are humble. At the Olympics in London in the year 2012, there was four deferent swimmers: One with both arms and Just one leg, one with both arms and no legs, one with half an arm and the most important one, one with no arms. To start the swimming competition you have to jump in the water and hold on to the blocks. The man with no arms couldn’t so they tied a ball on a piece of string and attached the string to the block and he put the ball In his mouth. He swam the fastest fifty meters anyone could’ve ever seen. In the first lap he was in the lead and everyone was standing for two reasons: one, he is winning and two, how is he going to turn? He slowed down, bumped his head turned. The second lap was breast stroke, not his strongest and at the end of the second lap he dropped down to third place. He turned for the third lap. This time it’s the butterfly . He gets to the end of the third lap and dropped down to fourth place. He turns for the final lap. This time it’s freestyle, his fastest stroke. He was quicker in the freestyle than any other stroke. In the final lap, this man went from fourth place to third, from third to second and with a meter to go, the crowd on their feet as his head Is in front of the man next to him. But he didn’t win because the man next to order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure and that’s why he was happy with second place. His motivation was so powerful that he kept humble and gained his goal of succeeding in what he does. If you love what you do it will be the only way to great work. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle for something less than your goals you set for yourself. How to cite Inspiration: Disability and Final Lap, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Time Management Management

Question: Write an Eassay on Time Management? Answer: Time Management Tips: Proper time management is very essential in todays busy and stressful life. The people who worked in different corporate houses basically lead a much stressed life because of lack of time management. Work, social and family life, leisure everything is important for a human being. Here are some tips for those people about the time management in the busy schedule. Target based job are basically those kind of work where an individual need to provide a quantity of work within a time frame. Set out your goal: the first step which is actually important is to asked question to yourself about the goal in your life. What you want to be in your life that is the most important thing to be determined. If someone executes a work which he does not like at all, it obviously creates stress on the min of that person (Tracy, 2014). Work in smarter way: The quality of work is important not the quantity of work. Spending more time at your office without any productive or good quality job is not a goal. The individual must provide a good quality work (Tracy, 2014). Take appropriate break: An individual with target based job needs to complete their work within a time frame but that individual needs to take proper small breaks between their work like lunch break or break tiffins etc. Otherwise the productivity will defiantly reduce. Work priorities: The individual with target based job must prepare a list of work and set the priorities. After that he or she can accomplish the work according to that check list (Williams and Reid, 2011). Team management: If the individual is working in a team he person must have the capacity to divide the works properly between the team mates and choose the portion of work in which is has adequate skill and knowledge. References Tracy, B. (2014).Time management. AMACOM. Williams, K., Reid, M. (2011).Time management. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Etiquette At Its Finest free essay sample

Throughout time, women have been expected to uphold a certain social role based on societies expectations. Us as â€Å"ladies†, have a set of rules and regulations to maintain our lady like figure; these rules, also known as etiquette, can be overwhelming at times because it may seem that society has set our bar much higher than lets say that of a man for instance. Why is it that women, as a group, are expected to fall into this tight mold to simply be a lady? If one were to view this subject in terms of a man, why is it that men can so easily slip through the cracks because they are â€Å"just men.† Not only our appearance as women has to be clean and proper looking but also our thoughts actions and words need to meet societies expectations. Why us, why not men, or simply why not both groups? In the following paragraphs you will experience an interaction between two people that very likely you have witnessed before or been a part of, if that is not the case, sit back a nd try to picture yourself in this situation. We will write a custom essay sample on Etiquette At Its Finest or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page â€Å"No mopping!† she says, as I rudely wipe the sauce stains off my mouth. â€Å"Be a lady!† At this moment all I hear is lady this lady that while my mother stands there with her hand on her hip pointing to the napkin that is already not on my lap. Why do I have to be a lady? Lady like people will go further in this world than those that lack etiquette she has said over and over. You must be polite and proper. And again I think to myself, mind you I simply think for if I speak my thoughts I will be reminded that I am disrespectful to my elders, that if a man sits at the dinner table and as she says mops the food off his face, he is simply using the napkin. But then it is my turn because my aim was not precise and the portion of food on my fork was not rationed to fit in my mouth so now I must dab the corners of my mouth and the perimeter of my lips because â€Å"’I’m a lady†. Right, me a lady. â€Å"STOP SPACING OUT AND COME BACK TO THE DINNER TABLE YOU ARE BEING RUDE!!!† she sternly whispers in my ear as she pinches the back of my arm. â€Å"s$#!, that hurt,† I yell and immediately I realize that that probably was not the best choice of words as her glare rips me to pieces from the inside out. I can almost see the flames rising from my mother’s head as I slowly drop in my chair. It was as if the previous moment came and disappeared instantly and now my mother was antagonizing me for yet again another piece of my appearance at the dinner table: slouching in my chair. â€Å"Shoulders back, elbows off the table, legs crossed, head held up high† she starts murmuring as she gently pokes the food off of her plate with her dinner fork. At this point in time I can only simply listen to her commands unless I plan on digging my grave even deeper although my thoughts continue. ‘What, are we going to bring back the corset’s too? Maybe I should just stop breathing†¦is that good enough for you,† are the words I hear in my head. â€Å"Don’t forget to smile, it’s not pol ite to frown at guests nor is it any of their business as to why you’re frowning in the first place. † I wonder, does she not see her husband sitting across the table shoveling food into his mouth or sitting slouched with his elbows on the table? Is that in anyway okay? I am sitting here not even able to breathe while the men across the table burp and whipe there dirty hands on their pants. This is a joke right?Sadly, this is no joke. It is reality, the reality that men and women have different assigned roles. We cook, and we clean, and we take care of our children, while we work and try to stay sane, while maintaining this perfect lady like figure who sits up straight, holds the fork properly, and speaks clearly with a language that lacks profanity and slang. Speech and language is another huge part of being a lady. There is a difference between truck drivers and high-class women for a reason. Here is another scenario for you. Today, as I was walking down the streets of Boston and quietly minding my own business, I overhear a group of males talking behind me. They are yelling â€Å"[emailprotected]#$ this, [emailprotected]# that† because they were angry about some matter. Clearly, these men have a little bit of a temper but me, if I go around saying [emailprotected]# this [emailprotected]# that, well I have a potty mouth and I am trashy. This is even worse then being un-lady like. There I go, off the list of potential ladies because I swear and mop my mouth. How is it that he can get away with a couple of f-bombs here and there because he is just a little ticked off about something, when me on the other hand, can’t even slip a s*** or b**** into my sentence while I am fuming becauseâ€Å"I am a lady and ladies don’t do that.†Sugar and spice and everything nice is the cliche that goes hand and hand with the social stigma of women in society. Think of the sugar and spice as a thick coating covering the aggression that us women occasionally harbor and think of this coating as something men don’t have. Aggression is not the only factor that is coated by â€Å"something nice,† promiscuity in many cases is too. The following scenario portrays men as just being men and women as promiscuous.â€Å"Dude I just screwed that chick last night† he said. â€Å"Man she is hot, mad props dude.† his buddy replies. But he’s just a man, not a s***, not a w****. If that were to happen to me on the other hand, â€Å"did you hear she had sex with that boy she just met last night, she’s such a w****† Really, I’m the w****, and what number girl was that chick last night?Social etiquette, as one may call it, is very different between men and women in cases like these. Words such as s*** and w**** are used to define women who slip away from the â€Å"lady like† structure more quickly then they would be to define a man who has sex with a few ladies. I am not advocating that promiscuous actions are in anyway appropriate, but either way, men and women should come with or without titles such as these.In an ideal world, social stigmas and social expectations would not exist, but this world is far from ideal. One must work to understand that men and women are treated very differently by social standards, that proper etiquette for men means something different than proper etiquette for â€Å"a lady.† If women are expec ted to reach those standards and act like ladies, men should start to break away from what is fine for them and reach what is expected of us.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Success of Singapore Airlines Essay Example

Success of Singapore Airlines Essay Example Success of Singapore Airlines Essay Success of Singapore Airlines Essay Since its official formation dating back to 1947, Singapore Airlines have founded its business on world-class service quality in the airline industry. Such a reputation is built on core aspects of the airlines service delivery which includes features like the friendly service, prompt flights and in-flight entertainment system. As consumers, we only see these final outcomes and therefore, often forget that these qualities are a product of much planning, trial and of course teamwork. The efficient, continuous use of teams throughout the business is a fundamental tool in which Singapore airlines is able to deliver `quality to its customers. More specifically it is the way that the team operates and the values instilled within those teams that make them so effective. By designing and training these teams to be highly motivated, creative, able to communicate and equipped with comprehensive decision making skills, Singapore Airlines are able to achieve high performance. Team Design First and foremost lets examine how SIAs team is designed. Firstly, the issue of task interdependence can be applied. Task interdependence is the degree which a task requires employees to share common inputs or outcomes, or requires them to interact in the process of executing their work. In relation to how SIA operates we can certainly see a high level of interdependence. For example, when customers arrive at the airport they have to check-in through the counter. If there are delays at this stage, personnel in customs and onboard the plane may have to deal with agitated customers and subsequently run into difficulties. The check-in staff sets the foundation for the service provision to begin and therefore employees from that point onwards are dependant on its efficiency. It is also important to note that Singapore airlines staff have aligned goals of providing top quality customer service. Such an outcome is made possible by the utislisation of various training centers within the company which unifies employee direction and motivation (Cabin Crew, Flight Operations, Commercial and Management Development). Team Size and Composition is also relevant. IN terms of team size SIA is able to achieve efficiency by appropriately building `right size teams. What this implies is that the team size is optimal for efficiency in that they are large enough to perform the necessary tasks and small enough to maintain efficient coordination. An example of this is the 15-20 onboard hosts/hostesses who are onboard the B777-200 aircraft. This allocated team size is appropriate for the environment in that it allows for the employees to be able to communicate with each other effectively and also perform all the tasks needed. Singapore Airlines also promotes team diversity. One of their most notable team design characteristics is how they effectively use both homogenous and heterogeneous teams. For example, heterogeneous teams are utilised in their Product Innovation Department which requires more complex decision making whereas homogenous teams are used more on the operational level (onboard) as they tend to be more effective in the response time and emergency problems. COMMUNICATION Singapore Airlines attaches a very high priority to the concept of communication in their operating activities. This stance predominates because they view their employees, contractors and agents as critical components of their success. The application of communication in regards to this company can be broken into two parts, external and internal. External communication refers to the airlines ability to influence its reputation and its portrayal to customers. It also refers to improving customer relations with innovations in physical communication. External communication has been as integral to Singapore Airlines success, if not more, than internal communication. Singapore Airlines prioritised in consistent brand image to the public. This strategy has been used by the company in all its communication vehicles to the public. They achieved this through the iconic `Singapore Girl. The primary message Singapore Airlines A Great Way to Fly has been consistently conveyed in exclusive print media and also in selected TV-commercials of very high production value to underline the quality aspirations of brand. But all these messages are featured through the iconic Singapore Girl in different themes and settings. The result of this is reduced information overload. By simplifying their message, and introducing non-verbal cues like the smiling Singapore girl, the message has less chance to be affected by noise, and becomes universal, transcending cultures. Everyone understands a smile. The Girl is the personification of the great service, and is the brand identity. The Airline also makes a concerted effort to stay in touch with customers through in-flight surveys, customer focus groups and rapid replies to every compliment or complaint they receive. The company then consolidates this input with other key data to create a quarterly `Service Performance Index that is very closely watched throughout the airline. This increased communication with the passengers increases relation, in the sense that passengers identify more with the company. Frequent flyers are also distributed, connected with special messages, attractive offers and publications sent regularly to Priority Passenger Service members. Overall, the airline makes an effort to always communicate with passengers, to ensure the right message is conveyed, and that any feedback received is clearly understood and worked on. Internal communication refers to Singapore Airlines ability to facilitate effective feedback and integration between employees and management. They do this by exploring various channels and mediums in which to communicate, and making an effort to raise stakeholders awareness of the workings of the company. The company itself, subsidiaries included, is a large organization, with more than 28,000 staff located around the world. To facilitate communication between employees, regular dialogue sessions between management and staff keeps communication flowing. They rely on both verbal and non-verbal communication. These sessions take the form of regular meetings and briefings. They also actively encourage the use of intranet to communicate regularly. The company holds semi-annual business meetings, as well as end of year meetings. This means that situations concerning rich medium, non-routine, ambiguous information can be transmitted and discussed through the regular meetings, whereas the routine, clear information can be sent as documents through email. Employees have direct access to management through the intranet, making it easier for information to circulate around the organisation. The intranet also erases the social status of employees relative to management, which has the effect of empowering them. Management also seems very responsive and attentive to issues relating to employees, becoming in effect, very active listeners. This ensures that whatever message is being debated between persons is clarified and understood, minimising conflicts and negative issues. Of the things discussed between management and employees include sharing and evaluating results in sales, marketing, yields and customer satisfaction levels. The company also initiates a program called `Staff Ideas in Action. This scheme ensures that new suggestions for improvement are constantly put forward by employees, for management to review. Singapore Airlines recognises that its employees are the `sensors of the organisation, and that they are the ones who are on the ground floor who know how things work, and how to improve it. The company pays a particular interest in maintaining effective internal management because they recognise that it is a key organisational concept, integral for success. Because of the size of the company, and the reaches it has over the globe, the airline is immensely rich in cultural terms. For example, the company currently has pilots from 25 different countries. Although the cross cultural diversity may hamper communication in normal circumstances, Singapore Airlines have countered the problem with by creating more opportunities for employees to communicate. To keep everyone on the same wavelength, the company publishes a variety of department newsletters, websites and a monthly company-wide magazine. These publications ensure that employees from different cultures all understand how the company is run, its outtake on the future, and how to further work together to produce a seamless and consistently positive customer experience. DECISION MAKING Effective decision-making is integral in achieving organisational success. Singapore Airlines demonstrates how a coherent team environment fosters innovation and ultimately maximises the effectiveness of decision-making. The key to SIAs success is their high level of employee involvement despite the size of the organisation. Employee involvement in decision-making is beneficial in that it enables better problem identification, diverse choice generation, increases probability of selecting the best alternative and increases commitment to the decision. In regard to the `model of employee involvement in decision-making, the contingencies of employee involvement in SIA facilitate participative management thus SIA is able to reap the benefits of employee involvement. Due to the often-unpredictable nature of the airline industry, many decisions that need to be made are non-programmed. The Senior Vice President responsible for cabin crew, Mr. Sim Kay Wee, emphasises the importance of individual employees decisions in optimising customer satisfaction and encourages employees to make innovative decisions, as opposed to following guidelines regimentally, in order to overcome unforeseen problems. The `Deputy Chairmans Award has been introduced as a prestigious annual reward for outstanding individual or team response to a `unique customer situation. This emphasis on the importance of employee involvement in decision-making motivates employees to continuously strive for excellence. As SIA is operating within a service industry, the source of decision knowledge is often subordinates who have more intimate contact with customers, rather than those in management positions. Mr. Yap Kim Wah, Senior Vice President responsible for product and service asserts that employee feedback is one of the most valuable inputs to decision-making as they have the most direct interaction with customers and can help identify problems that may otherwise be overlooked. It is this willingness to address problems at all levels that has enabled SIA to achieve seamless consumer satisfaction. SIA has also acknowledged that decision commitment is improved by participation. Accordingly, they encourage employee participation through corporate newsletters, regular staff meetings and recognising staff members who have actively contributed in decision-making processes. Employee involvement also reduces the risk of conflict over a decision made. A common issue that arises in organisations is that employee goals conflict with organisational goals. SIA have worked to ensure that this is not a risk factor within their organisation as they constantly strive to align employees with the organisation as a whole. This can be seen in the values underpinning SIAs mission statement whereby staff are described as valuable and there is a focus on providing them with fulfilling careers, there is also an emphasis on viewing the organisation as a `worldwide team. Such a corporate culture reduces the likelihood of conflict when decisions are made. As already mentioned, SIA succeeds in promoting a high level of creativity in their organisation. Such a creative work environment is made possible through various initiatives from upper management which is filtered down through the business. Firstly, SIA has achieved organisational support through tolerating mistakes. The corporate culture encourages giving new ideas a try and if they dont work out they are removed from service. They place more value on amending mistakes made than not taking any risks at all for example the introduction of fax machines was unsuccessful. Additionally, the aforementioned emphasis on communication within the organisation and job security (through performance appraisal, training and development, and promotional opportunities) also enhance organisational support. Another factor in achieving a creative work environment is providing intrinsically motivating work. The `team concept was developed in order to achieve this. The concept is concerned with viewing each cabin crew as a team unit in order to develop camaraderie between members. This also enables more individual evaluation and means good performance can be rewarded with ease. The concept aims to increase empowerment and a sense of belonging to the organisation. SIA also encourages informal pressure, which has resulted in increased levels of discussion between various levels within the organisation leading to new ways of approaching problems and ideas. Evidently, Singapore Airlines is a prime example of how the encouragement of a team environment facilitates decision-making within an organisation. Employee involvement in decision-making has been a major contributing factor in SIAs success. Additionally, such involvement also serves to foster innovation and divergent thinking thus enabling SIA to continuously meet and exceed consumer expectations and maintain a competitive advantage. CREATIVITY Singapore airline is successful in Asians fiercely competitive airplane service industry because it relies on creativity for innovative new services. Creativity is the development of original ideas that make a socially recognized contribution. Such a concept is integrated into the company through its Product Innovation Department which focuses on anticipating needs consumers didnt even know they had. An example of this is SIAs have pioneering of the in-flight experiential and entertainment systems. Their in-flight entertainment system (IFEs) `Krisworld was developed in 1997 and significantly raised the standard in that department. Prior to that, only Emirates and Virgin airlines had IFEs and they were expensive and had limited options. Singapores Krisworld offered a significantly broader entertainment experience including Krisvision which offered over 50 different viewing options SIA was also the first to introduce hot meals, free alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, hot towels with a unique and patented scent, fax machines on board, telephones in every seat, personal entertainment systems, and video-on-demand in all cabins. Furthermore, they were the first to introduce the alert service, which sends short text message informing the customer of flight arrivals and delays. In addition, Singapore Airlines introduced its Suites in a class beyond First, together with cabin improvements in all other classes while still providing excellent service. The company keeps driving innovation as an important part of the brand, and the cabin ambience and combined experience are key factors of SIA success. Organizational conditions supporting creativity SIA leaders also maintain a work environment that supports the creative rocess for everyone. SIA has the task of trying to create esprit de corps among its cabin crew, cabin crews, as a unit, flying and working together, allows them to build camaraderie, and crew members feel like they are part of team, not just a number, they tend to be more creative when they believe that their work has a substantial impact on the organization. Cabin crew can directly gather information from customer to know what their needs and wants. They pursue novel ideas, which can improve and sustain service excellence through understanding customers and anticipating their needs, In addition, the team leader will get to know cabin crews strengths and weaknesses well, and will become their mentor and their counsel, when team member get new idea about improving services. The team leader support authority and encourages team members to take initiative and â€Å"have a go†. They encourage team members to try-it-out, make-it-work and see-it-through. Not every innovation succeeds, and some are eventually removed from service (the fax machines are long gone), team leader tolerate mistakes and recognize the reasonable mistakes as part of creativity process. Even if unsuccessful, the leader insists no one should be punished for taking initiative and trying new services. Singapore Airlines recognizes that each innovation has a relatively short life span. Once other airlines adopt it, it is no longer considered innovative. Therefore, the airline continues to invest heavily in R, innovation and technology as an integrated part of the business strategy to further differentiate itself. MOTIVATION Based on MARS model, motivation is one of the four important elements that contribute or influence individual behavior. Motivation is the cognitive, decision making process through which goal-directed behavior is initiated, energized and maintained. It will determine direction, intensity as well as persistence. How SIA staffs can achieve such a high motivation? These can be explained by a number of motivation theories. If we look at historical approaches, SIA does not follow the traditional approach such as scientific management which only emphasizes on wage incentive and management control. Instead, it uses the human relation approach in motivating its staffs. It believes that fulfillment of individuals needs and making them feel useful and important are more important than giving out monetary incentive. It belief, the illusion of involvement and importance will motivate its staffs more in performing their jobs. In SIA, staffs are regularly appraised for their performance and potential. Furthermore, high- flyers are identified and given opportunity to learn and grow. This make them to feel valued, thus, motivated to work harder. Basically, theory of motivation can be divided into two parts. First, the content theories of motivation which identify the motives for our behavior and second is the process theories of motivation which explain the reasons why we are motivated to act in certain way. For the content theories of motivation, by referring to the four drive theory, SIA staffs are motivated to join SIA, to perform their job very well and to achieve the company goals due to their drive to acquire, drive to learn and drive to bond. SIA lets its staffs to deal with customers on a one-to-one basis. By dealing with different type of customers in different circumstances, they will be able to gain a lot of experiences, thus, meet their drive to acquire. They will also be able to satisfy their drive to learn in SIA since in SIA, training is not a `one time affair. In meeting customers increasing expectation, SIA provides four training centers within the organization. These centers offer a wide range of educational programs whether in classroom, on the job or through full scale simulations. On top of that, SIA also could meet ones drive to bond that is form relationship and social commitment. SIA is a large company with more than 28000 staffs which located all over the world and comes from different background. This enables its staffs to mix around and work together in giving their best service to customers. All these drive motivate them to remain in SIA and perform well. For the process theories of motivation, expectancy theory can be applied in SIA context in explaining the reason why its staffs are motivated to do their job very well. This theory says that motivation depends on how much you like or want something and how likely you think you are able to get it. In SIA, its staffs believe their efforts will increase their performance which then will be recognized and rewarded by SIA. And most of the rewards are valued and liked by these staffs which include increased pay, increased position and the annual `Deputy Chairmans Award. Therefore, they are always motivated to work towards SIA goal. Apart from that, referring to goal-setting theory, specific goal lead to higher level of motivation and performance. SIA fundamental mission or goal is clear to its entire staff which is to provide high quality service to their customers. This is why its staffs are always on the right track. Apart from that, SIA also motivate its staffs through job design. According to Herzbergs motivator-hygiene theory, job design can affect staffs satisfaction or dissatisfaction and in turn affect their motivation. SIA does job rotation whereby there is frequent rotation amongst top positions in the organization. As a result, there is management team with great and shared understanding of the `big picture of the organization and with the commitment to do what is best for customers and the business as a whole. It also uses the job enrichment strategy where it establishes client relationship and put the staffs in direct contact with clients. Last but not least, SIA motivates its staffs through training and investment. For example, SIA undertakes a teamwork project. The objective of this project is to develop specific skills associated with effective cross-functional working across the airlines Flight Operation, Cabin Crew, Engineering and Airport Management department and to avoid `silo mentality within the organization which personnel in one department take little consideration for the requirement of other departments. PERFORMANCE/CONCLUSION Now, I am going to talk about applied motivational practices used by SIA. As mentioned before, SIA has a financial rewards system as one means of motivating its staff. Bonuses are paid according to the profitability of the company, which is employed throughout the entire company, no matter the level of seniority. As a result there is a lot of informal pressure for each other to perform from everybody. SIA has also adopted a Performance-based Reward system in the form of recognition, which is used to encourage good service. The â€Å"Deputy Chairmans Award† is given yearly to teams or individuals for responding to unique customer situations with an exceptionally positive, innovative or selfless act of service. This award carries no financial benefit, but is considered as the most prestigious of all awards in the airline. Winners and their families are flown to Singapore for a special dinner celebration, the story of their unique efforts is published in the monthly Outlook magazine, and their personal status as a Deputy Chairmans Award Winner remains a badge of distinction for life. The company considers recognition as being essential to functioning of a successful company, believing â€Å"a good pat on the back, a good ceremony, photographs and write-ups in the newsletters. They also award a special badge for those individuals who have received a lot of passenger compliments. They recognise our heroes and heroines. † The performing stage of team development is critical to the accomplishment of tasks. Singapore airlines is an example of a high-performance team, and this is exemplified by the airline being named as winner of the prestigious â€Å"Airline of the Year† title not once but twice, and most recently last year. A high performance team is one where members are highly co-operative, have a high-level of trust in each other, are committed to the group objectives and identify with the team, all of which are demonstrated by SIA. Their successes may be attributed to their team concept a workforce of 6,600 members is divided into small units of 13 people, with a team leader placed in charge. These teams can be thought of as Self-Directed Work Teams. The teams are rostered to fly together as often as possible which creates camaraderie The team leader plays an important role in establishing the Self-directed work team structure they get to know all team members well, including their strengths and weaknesses. This assists in the assignment of tasks whilst on board a flight. For example a team member with stronger speaking skills or more experience will be given the duty of announcing the in-flight emergency procedures at the beginning of the flight. The team leader is also a mentor and counsel to the members of the team, and, someone to whom they can turn if they need help or advice. A team leader is also essential in providing team-level feedback and rewards their staff appraisals are meticulous and detailed of each staff member. This is important in identifying the need for re-training in some areas and if a member has performed particularly well, the possibility of a promotion. As discussed before, Singapore Airlines has been internationally recognized as one of worlds leading carriers. Not only making profit every year (the group made $675 million in the third quarter of the financial year 2007-2008), SIA also frequently wins international awards for top flight quality and service including the 2007 Skytrax Airline of the Year Award voted by over 14 million travelers. Basically, there are many different factors that lead to their success today as a high-performance team, including sound team design, a high priority towards both external and internal communications, cohesive team decision making processes, creative innovations, and most importantly a high motivation among SIA staff.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Benzene,Lead Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Benzene,Lead - Research Paper Example Following this, health sector has established the need of documenting standards that monitoring medical program as follows. OSHA documentation highlights two fundamental factors that are crucial in optimizing employee health, which are medical surveillance and medical screening (Centres for Disease Control and Prevention 1). The fundamental aim of medical screening is to assess early diagnosis of employees exposed to the chemical and additional medical surveillance for those exposed above 30 ug/m (3) TWA) over one month period. The document outlined clinical manifestations for employees exposed to the chemical including biological examination, details of the medical history, and crucial precautions for interpreting laboratory tests. The standard demands that mployer to inform all employees on the potential health effects of Benzene. Biomarkers are classified into three sections, exposure, susceptibility, and effect (Sakai 128). Urinary metabolites have been outline as a short-term biomarker for benzene exposure. It is commonly used to access the exposure of those affected and not. It estimates the relation of the environmental concentration and benzene exposure. For a continuous examination, there are various direct reading instruments commonly known as real-time instruments that aid in sampling thus, augmenting rapid decision making. The obtained data can be used to comprehend the existing safety programs that assure protection to the exposure. One of the direct reading instruments commonly used is Photoionization detector that ensures that the environmental air concentration being sampled is free from pollution (Sakai 132). The TWA sampling method as per OSHA standard is that, there should be accurate analysis of the sampling methods. The OSHA documentation obligates the importance of including chemical sampling information of a given chemical to offer